Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Study Skills

Study Skills

Study skills enables you to learn more better, be more prepared for any future coursework or project to complete, gives you a closer perspective on your work and helps you study more into your coursework.
Study skills can be beneficial to future life skills for any employment or and further education like another year of college or University, preparing you for anything in those areas for study skills, however, you need to understand the ideas and concepts of study skills for in order in a particular subject for those skills to come into effect.
Study skills can increase you confidence in your course as your awareness to guide yourself in your own direction through the course as this is encourages yourself to work more independently in your work, without asking much assistance from tutors.
Even more, study skills aren't just for college or secondary school, again, they can be extremely useful for "organisational skills, time management, prioritising, learning how to analyse, problem solving, and the self-discipline" as this will assist you with mostly after college life and into employment stages.


Plagiarism is a act of stealing, usually plagiarism is seen in anything commercial or even non-profitable work, evidence, projects or exact ideas from other people.
Plagiarism is can spotted in almost anywhere, in images, quotations, artwork, movies, videogames, music, concepts designs, etc. Plagiarism can be committed by not asking for the permission of the owner for the usage of the work or not giving the original owner any type of credit for the original idea or concept, for example, the Japanese Olympic Stadium.


Copyrighting aid you into protecting your work from other people, prevents anyone using any of your work without your permission to use it, in order to protect yourself from copyright infringement, mark your work with the copyright symbol as shown "©", along with your name and the year of it's creation to prevent any anyone from copying your work in the future, a copyright case like this, shows an example of Plagiarism, the case of Apple and Google.